August 4 – That’s this Saturday!!! Group ride, lunch and meeting at York River State Park starting at 9 am. Lunch will be BBQ chicken. Please bring a salad, side, fruit or dessert to share. Hope to see you there.
In the event a bad weather, the group ride may be canceled and meeting may be moved to a local restaurant. Check EVMA Chatter on Facebook for updates.
Mark your calendars – September 21-23, Fall Douthat Trip. The club will be reserving several sites for club members to tent camp. If you have an RV, please make your own reservation. There are tentative plans for a trip to Carvins Cove or Snowshoe on Friday. Registration coming soon!
BIG NEWS – There has been talk for a very long time, but thanks to Senator Bill DeSteph, there is now actual money built into the state budget to build a single-track bike trail at First Landing State Park in Virginia Beach. Although this is slightly outside our area, it’s nice to know that more trails will soon be available within driving distance. They will be requesting some advice and possible help from EVMA. We hope to hear more about this soon.
Trails – Thank you to everyone who spent time clearing trails after our bouts of crazy summer weather. Don’t forget to report downed trees or other big maintenance issues on EVMA chatter.
Colonial Revolution Team – Have a middle or high school-aged child who could be a better rider than you? Consider involving him or her on the Colonial Revolution Youth Mountain Bike Team. Visit for more details.
Bike Maintenance Demo – REI is offering a free bike maintenance demo at Commonwealth Brewery on September 19th at 6 pm. Visit for more details.
Grant – EVMA recently received a grant from REI to purchase new tools/equipment. The board is currently making some decisions on how to properly spend the money.
Volunteers Still Needed – Thank you to everyone who has stepped up to serve as board members. We are still looking for ride leaders and people to help with various events. Please contact Mike Benton at if you can help in any way.