August 3rd - Group ride at York River State Park starting at 9 am followed by short club meeting at Alewerks starting at noon. If it’s too rainy to ride, please still stop by for our meeting. The Hungry Pug food truck will be there or you can bring your own food. Please do not bring your own beer.
September 7 – Group ride at New Quarter Park at 9 am and possible club meeting
Sept. 20-22 – Fall trip to Douthat State Park. Potluck dinner on Friday evening and taco (???) dinner on Saturday night. Group ride is planned for Saturday morning, but it’s likely that some members will be up there earlier and may plan other rides. Sign up now at Cost is $30 per tent site. If you plan to RV camp or stay in a cabin, please also register so that you get the emails. Thank you to Justin Hlavin for organizing the group meals.
October 5 – Group ride at New Quarter Park at 9 am and possible club meeting.
November 2 – Group ride at Freedom Park at 9 am (maybe) and club meeting/lunch in the meeting room at noon.
December 7 – Group ride at Freedom Park at 10 am and club meeting/lunch in the meeting room at noon.
More Group Rides – We are trying to get more group rides on the calendar. You can help by volunteering to be a ride leader. You don’t have to be fast enough to actually “lead” the ride, you just have to be present in the park for the duration of the ride. Please contact Melanie Storrs at if you can lead a ride.
Ride with Friends – Are you planning a bike ride for this weekend? Get on EVMA Chatter and tell others where you are riding. It’s always more fun to ride with friends.
Weekends on your Wheels –The spring youth bike series has come to a close. Thank you to the EVMA club members who showed up every week to assist with the races!
Volunteer Needed – EVMA is seeking a new VP of trails. Duties include collecting information from trail leaders and reporting to the group. Please contact Mike Benton if you are interested.