Eastern Virginia Mountain Bike Association

Building, Riding and Maintaining Trails in Southeastern Virginia since 1988

News as of July 18th, 2019

July 18, 2019 11:56 AM | Anonymous


July 20th This Saturday, group ride at Harwood’s Mill at 9 am.  Come out for an easy ride before it gets too hot!!!!  The ride will start promptly at 9 in order to get done before it’s too hot.  All riders are required to bring plenty of water.

 July 21st  Group ride at York River State Park at 9 am, in case you missed the ride the day before.  The ride will start promptly at 9 and all riders are required to bring plenty of water.

August 3rd -  Group ride at Freedom Park starting at 9 am.  Possible club meeting.  More info coming soon.

Sept. 20-22 – Fall trip to Douthat State Park.  Potluck dinner on Friday evening and taco (???) dinner on Saturday night.  Group ride is planned for Saturday morning, but it’s likely that some members will be up there earlier and may plan other rides.  Sign up now at www.evma.org.  Cost is $30 per tent site.  If you plan to RV camp or stay in a cabin, please also register so that you get the emails.  Thank you to Justin Hlavin for organizing the group meals.


Thank you – Thank you to everyone who came out to the benefit for Robert Maye.  It was so nice to see so many friends at the group ride and bar-b-q.  Thank you to Chris Scales for organizing such a great event and to everyone who brought food and a donation.

More Group Rides – We are trying to get more group rides on the calendar.  You can help by volunteering to be a ride leader.  You don’t have to be fast enough to actually “lead” the ride, you just have to be present in the park for the duration of the ride.  Please contact Melanie Storrs at melanie_storrs@yahoo.com if you can lead a ride.

Ride with Friends – Are you planning a bike ride for this weekend?  Get on EVMA Chatter and tell others where you are riding. It’s always more fun to ride with friends.

Weekends on your Wheels –The last race of the youth bike race series, originally scheduled for this Sunday at 1:30 pm, is CANCELLED due to the intense heat.   The final race will be held Sunday, July 28th at 1:30 at New Quarter Park.   There is an awards ceremony and luncheon scheduled after the races.  For more information, check out https://recreation.yorkcounty.gov/wbwsc/webtrac.wsc/splash.html  Thank you to all the EVMA members who helped make this season a great success!

Volunteer Needed – EVMA is seeking a new VP of trails.  Duties include collecting information from trail leaders and reporting to the group.  Please contact Mike Benton if you are interested.

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