Eastern Virginia Mountain Bike Association

Building, Riding and Maintaining Trails in Southeastern Virginia since 1988


  • February 01, 2023 8:43 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Come help with one of two trail work projects at Freedom Park.  10:00 AM start time (later than normal so no excuse that it’s too early!).  Bring work gloves and water.  Choose one of the two projects below and note the two different meeting locations:

    Project 1: Trail D wooden bridge replacement.  ***Meet at Hornsby Middle School (850 Jolly Pond Rd.) soccer field parking lot and we'll go in at access #20, 0.25 mile to the bridge.  We’ll need help hauling lumber in, placing the bridge, and hauling the old bridge out.

    Project 2: Trail C, repair/rebuild several features: Monster Bridge landing, Wall Ride, and the new dirt rollers/jumps just after Wall Ride.  Meet at the main parking lot near the park building and we'll walk in across the field and use access #5A.  ***If you can bring a wheelbarrow and/or shovel, please do, as we’ll be moving dirt and turf stones.

  • June 16, 2022 11:57 AM | Anonymous member

    Southside riders - Marshview Park trails are nearing completion and need your help to put them over the finish line. A working party is scheduled for Saturday, June 18th from 0800-1100, meetup is at the main parking lot (near the dog park). Thanks for your support!

  • April 22, 2022 7:07 AM | Anonymous member

    The Marshview trail work previously scheduled for this Saturday (23 April) has been cancelled by the City of Virginia Beach, who now want to have a City representative on-site for any future work so they can address any further citizen concerns. The trail captain is still having a walk-through on Saturday, same time and location, to review what remains to be done. A tentative new work date of May 14th has been proposed, but we will announce the final date/time when we get closer and the City can confirm their participation.

  • April 20, 2022 10:01 AM | Anonymous member

    Good news! EVMA has the green light to resume work at the new Marshview trails. We will be having a work day this Saturday (4/23) from 9-12 for the back section of trails. Please bring your shovels/rakes and meet in the dog park parking lot at 8:45 as we have before.

  • March 03, 2022 5:12 AM | Anonymous

    March and April -  For both months, Freedom Park trails D and E will be reversed.  There will be signs clearly marking this.  It’s a great opportunity to ride some new trails in your hometown. 

    New Leadership – EVMA is seeking new leadership.  All positions are available.  President, Secretary, Trail Captains and others. If you are interested in any position, please reply to this email.  We do have to have certain positions filled to continue as a group. You love to ride your bike, so consider giving back to your community doing something you love.

    Ride Leaders Needed – Want to see more group rides?  Consider being a ride leader.  You pick the place, day and time.  You don’t have to be the fastest rider. Just reach out to Melanie at melanie_storrs@yahoo.com to set up your group ride.

    March 27-May 1 – Weekend on your Wheels.  If you have a child or grandchild ages 3-18, they can participate in Weekend on your Wheels at New Quarter Park.  Pre-ride is March 27th and Races April 3, April 10 and May 1.  Ages 10 and under check in at noon, older kids check in at 2pm.  To get more information or sign up, visit  https://www.yorkcounty.gov/DocumentCenter/View/24171/YOUTH-BIKE-SERIES
    Avoid the credit card fees by signing up in person at any of the races.

    Spring 2022 – Colonial Revolution is starting their season on March 19th.  For all kids ages 8-17 with racing opportunities for middle and high schoolers.  There are also great opportunities for volunteer coaches.  Learn more at colonialrevolutionmtb.org.

  • February 08, 2022 7:13 AM | Anonymous member

    Tonight's (8 Feb) ride at Harwood's is canceled due to wet trails.

  • February 04, 2022 8:05 AM | Anonymous member

    Tomorrow's 5 February working party at Marshview Park has been postponed by the City of Virginia Beach. Although citizen input was solicited and approved earlier by the City, some citizens have now come forward with environmental concerns, which the City has to address before work can recommence. Stay tuned for updates.

  • February 01, 2022 1:21 PM | Anonymous member

    Tonight's (1 Feb) ride at Harwood's is cancelled due to poor trail conditions.

  • January 26, 2022 11:24 AM | Anonymous member

    The Marshview park working party that was scheduled for this weekend is postponed another week due to impending bad weather. So the new date is Saturday, 5 Feb at 9 AM.

  • January 26, 2022 6:03 AM | Anonymous member
    Tonight's ride at New Quarter Park is canceled due to poor trail conditions.
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