Eastern Virginia Mountain Bike Association

Building, Riding and Maintaining Trails in Southeastern Virginia since 1988


  • December 06, 2017 9:52 PM | Anonymous


    November 8th, 2017- March 7th, 2018 – Night rides are underway Tuesdays at Harwoods Mill, Wednesdays at New Quarter Park, and Thursdays at Freedom Park.  All rides start PROMPTLY at 6 pm (which means be ready to go at 6) and end by 7:45.  All riders must be out of the park by 8:00 pm.  Jump on Facebook if you plan to ride.  Make a plan to come out and ride after work and hang out with your mountain bike friends!

    December 17th Winter Solstice ride/event.  Ride will start at 4 pm followed by a pot luck in the meeting hall afterward.  Get more information from EVMA chatter page.


    Thank you – Thanks to everyone who came out for the workday on December 2nd at Freedom Park.  It was a very productive day. There is a new ride around on Trail A at the Five-foot drop.  The existing drop and ride around are still there to use.

    Volunteers Needed – Could you be a ride leader (and no, you don’t have to be in the front of the group).  The club wants to schedule more group rides.  If you would be able to lead a group ride once a month or even less, it would be helpful.  Contact Jim Irby or Penny Rich if you are willing to help out.


    Club Tee Shirt Sale $10There are a few tech tees left, mostly small, extra small, and youth sizes in gray and blue.

  • November 28, 2017 9:38 PM | Anonymous


    December 2nd– Freedom Park work day, lunch and meeting with board member elections.  Meet in the parking lot around 8:45. The club will have tools but bring your favorite rake or clippers. Bring bikes as some will probably need to ride out to work areas.  If you have ever considered doing a little more for the EVMA, contact Jim Irby to see how you can help.  Several board members are stepping down and all offices are open.

    The day is here – Your chance to make a difference in the EVMA.  Please consider volunteering your time for one of these positions:  President, VP of Trails, etc.  The club also needs a volunteer to help coordinate/document trail inspections.  Once or twice a month log in website and check that trail inspections have been completed and send reports to the various park managers.  Please speak up at this weekend’s meeting if you are interested in filling one of these positions.

    November 8th, 2017- March 7th, 2018 – Night rides are underway Tuesdays at Harwoods Mill, Wednesdays at New Quarter Park, and Thursdays at Freedom Park.  All rides start PROMPTLY at 6 pm (which means be ready to go at 6) and end by 7:45.  All riders must be out of the park by 8:00 pm.  Jump on Facebook if you plan to ride.  Make a plan to come out and ride after work and hang out with your mountain bike friends!

    December 17th Winter Solstice ride/event.  We are trying to make a decision between a chili cookoff at Freedom Park or heading to a local brewery afterwards.  Please visit the chatter page to vote.


    Club Tee Shirt Sale $10There are a few tech tees left, mostly small, extra small, and youth sizes in gray and blue. They will be available at the Workday/meeting December 2nd.

    EVMA Gear – The club is ordering EVMA hoodies and tech tees with similar logos as last time.  The hoodies are $25 and will have a logo on front and back.  The tech tees will be $15 with same design as last time.  There are many colors available. We will finalize this order at the December meeting. Contact Jim Irby to get your order requests in. 

  • November 21, 2017 9:49 PM | Anonymous


    November 22-23- No night rides at New Quarter Park or Freedom Park so you can spend time with your families for the holiday.

    November 8th, 2017- March 7th, 2018 – Night rides are underway Tuesdays at Harwoods Mill, Wednesdays at New Quarter Park, and Thursdays at Freedom Park.  All rides start PROMPTLY at 6 pm (which means be ready to go at 6) and end by 7:45.  All riders must be out of the park by 8:00 pm.  Jump on Facebook if you plan to ride.  Make a plan to come out and ride after work and hang out with your mountain bike friends!

    December 2– Freedom Park work day, lunch and meeting with board member elections.  Meet in the parking lot around 845. The club will have tools but bring your favorite rake or clippers.

    Bring bikes as some will probably need to ride out to work areas.  If you have ever considered doing a little more for the EVMA, contact Jim Irby to see how you can help.  Several board members are stepping down and all offices are open.

    There are a few open offices in the EVMA.  President, VP of Trails, and more.  Please consider volunteering your time for one of these positions.  The club also needs a volunteer to help coordinate/document trail inspections.  Once or twice a month log in website and check that trail inspections have been completed and send reports to the various park managers.  Please contact Jim Irby if you are interested in filling one of these positions.


    Club Tee Shirt Sale $10There are a few tech tees left, mostly small, extra small, and youth sizes in

    gray and blue. They will be available at the Workday/meeting December 2nd

    or contact Jim Irby

    EVMA Gear – The club is ordering EVMA hoodies and tech tees with similar logos as last time.  The hoodies are $25 and will have a logo on front and back.  The tech tees will be $15 with same design as last time.  There are many colors available. We will finalize this order at the December meeting. Contact Jim Irby to get your order requests in.  

  • November 09, 2017 9:36 PM | Anonymous


    November 8th, 2017- March 7th, 2018 – Night rides are underway Tuesdays at Harwoods Mill, Wednesdays at New Quarter Park, and Thursdays at Freedom Park.  All rides start PROMPTLY at 6 pm (which means be ready to go at 6) and end by 7:45.  All riders must be out of the park by 8:00 pm.  Jump on Facebook if you plan to ride.  Make a plan to come out and ride after work and hang out with your mountain bike friends!

    November 13-14 – York River State Park will be closed due to annual wildlife management program (hunting). 

    December – Group ride, club meeting and board member elections.  Details to come soon.  If you have ever considered doing a little more for the EVMA, contact Jim Irby to see how you can help.  Several board members are stepping down and all offices are open.


    Trail Work – All trails need clearing and trimming.  If everyone spends 10-15 minutes doing this while riding, the trails will stay in great shape.

    EVMA Gear – The club is ordering EVMA hoodies and tech tees with similar logos as last time.  The hoodies are $25 and will have a logo on front and back.  Go to alphabroder.com and look up G186 and G185.  The tech tees will be $15 with same design as last time.  There are many colors available.  Contact Jim Irby to get your order requests in.  An EVMA jersey is in the works; more information soon.

  • November 02, 2017 8:47 PM | Anonymous


    November 8th, 2017- March 7th, 2018 – Yes, that’s NEXT WEEK!  Night rides Tuesdays at Harwoods Mill, Wednesdays at New Quarter Park, and Thursdays at Freedom Park.  All rides start PROMPTLY at 6 pm (which means be ready to go at 6) and end by 7:45.  All riders must be out of the park by 8:00 pm.  Make a plan to come out and ride after work and hang out with your mountain bike friends!

    November 13-14 – York River State Park will be closed due to annual wildlife management program (hunting). 

    December – Group ride, club meeting and board member elections.  Details to come soon.  If you have ever considered doing a little more for the EVMA, contact Jim Irby to see how you can help.  Several board members are stepping down and all offices are open.


    Trail Work – All trails need clearing and trimming.  If everyone spends 10-15 minutes doing this while riding, the trails will stay in great shape.

    EVMA Gear – The club is ordering EVMA hoodies and tech tees with similar logos as last time.  The hoodies are $25 and will have a logo on front and back.  Go to alphabroder.com and look up G186 and G185.  The tech tees will be $15 with same design as last time.  There are many colors available.  Contact Jim Irby to get your order requests in.  An EVMA jersey is in the works; more information soon.

  • October 11, 2017 9:17 PM | Anonymous


    October 28-29 – Tidewater Challenge.  Races for mountain bikers in all age groups, including kids.  Online registration is happening now at BikeReg.com.  Get more information at tidewaterchallenge.blogspot.com.

    November 8th, 2017- March 7th, 2018 – Night rides Tuesdays at Harwoods Mill, Wednesdays at New Quarter Park, and Thursdays at Freedom Park.  All rides start PROMPTLY at 6 pm (which means be ready to go at 6) and end by 7:45.  All riders must be out of the park by 8:00 pm. 

    December – Group ride, club meeting and board member elections.  Details to come soon.  If you have ever considered doing a little more for the EVMA, contact Jim Irby to see how you can help.  Several board members are stepping down and all offices are open.


    Volunteers Needed- EVMA members are needed to represent the club at Tidewater Challenge.  If you can spend a few hours, please contact Jim Irby.

    Trail Work – All trails need clearing and trimming.  If everyone spends 10-15 minutes doing this while riding, the trails will stay in great shape.

    EVMA Gear – The club is ordering EVMA hoodies and tech tees with similar logos as last time.  The hoodies are $25 and will have a logo on front and back.  Go to alphabroder.com and look up G186 and G185.  The tech tees will be $15 with same design as last time.  There are many colors available.  Contact Jim Irby to get your order requests in.  An EVMA jersey is in the works; more information soon.

  • October 04, 2017 6:31 AM | Anonymous


    October 7 – This Saturday at 9 am, group ride at Freedom Park.  Check out the event on Facebook Chatter.

    October 8 – Tidewater Challenge Race Course trail work day starting at 10am.  Steve Nevins is requesting some help to get the course ready.  Bring leaf rakes or strong backpack blowers.  Snacks will be provided or bring a snack to share.  Look for signs or possibly a person guiding you to the right driveway on right (the neighbors on the left are not fond of the extra traffic).  The Address is 5091 Riverview Road, Williamsburg, VA 23188.  Contact Steve at 757-880-6091 for more information.  We hope everyone can come out and help.

    October 28-29 – Tidewater Challenge.  Races for mountain bikers in all age groups, including kids.  Online registration is happening now at BikeReg.com.  Get more information at tidewaterchallenge.blogspot.com.

    November 8th, 2017- March 7th, 2018 – Night rides Tuesdays at Harwoods Mill, Wednesdays at New Quarter Park, and Thursdays at Freedom Park.  All rides start PROMPTLY at 6 pm (which means be ready to go at 6) and end by 7:45.  All riders must be out of the park by 8:00 pm.  See below for more details.

    December – Group ride, club meeting and board member elections.  Details to come soon.  If you have ever considered doing a little more for the EVMA, contact Jim Irby to see how you can help.  Several board members are stepping down and all offices are open.


    Trail Work – All trails need clearing and trimming.  If everyone spends 10-15 minutes doing this while riding, the trails will stay in great shape.

    The club plans to do trail work at Freedom Park in November (re-route trail A, clear bypass at the 5-foot drop, and clear emergency exits), New Quarter in December (clear routes for Gator access), and Wahrani in December/January (replace bridge, trim and clear inner trails).  More information will be in future emails and on Facebook chatter.  Please plan to attend.

    EVMA Gear – The club is ordering EVMA hoodies and tech tees with similar logos as last time.  The hoodies are $25 and will have a logo on front and back.  Go to alphabroder.com and look up G186 and G185.  The tech tees will be $15 with same design as last time.  There are many colors available.  Contact Jim Irby to get your order requests in.  An EVMA jersey is in the works; more information soon.

    Night Ride Details -Tuesday, Harwood Mills Check Facebook event for ride status. Parking across the street from trailhead.

    Wednesday, New Quarter Park. Park in parking lot outside the main gate, we enter the trail at emergency exit 10, some riders do one lap others do two. We typically gather back up at the halfway point.

    Thursday, Freedom Park. Parking is in the park at the interpretive center, when you sign in here you need to list the trails you plan to ride. We will typically discuss everyone’s plans prior to rolling out. Most riders ride trails A,B,C, some riders do A backwards but you need to be fast to make the cutoff time. All trials are open for night riding.

    If you are new to night rides and would like more information, feel free to POST UP at (EVMA Chatter). These rides are a ton of fun and transform our trails into a new and fresh adventure. ...

    You must have helmets and lights. Suggested minimum of 500 Lumens head light, best experience if you add a bar light.

    We use the EVMA Chatter Facebook site to communicate about night rides. You can expect each ride to have a Facebook event created so riders can check in for a status of each ride.

    We use your vehicle as an indicator of your whereabouts, if it’s still in the parking lot we assume you are still on the trails.

    No one rides on their own (this does not mean you can’t ride your own pace), if you are not joining the EVMA group ride (Member or Guest) you are likely trespassing. This simply means riders need to sign-in (waiver) prior to each ride, communicate with the group, so that riders are aware of what the group(s) is doing. It’s a bit of excess but we want to be [uber] organized so that park staff and emergency personal allow our night rides to continue. That, and we don’t want to lose anyone .

  • September 26, 2017 7:57 PM | Anonymous


    October – No planned group ride or meeting in October.

    October 28-29 – Tidewater Challenge.  Races for mountain bikers in all age groups, including kids.  Online registration is happening now at BikeReg.com.  Get more information at tidewaterchallenge.blogspot.com.

    November 8th, 2017- March 7th, 2018 – Night rides Tuesdays at Harwoods Mill, Wednesdays at New Quarter Park, and Thursdays at Freedom Park.  All rides start PROMPTLY at 6 pm (which means be ready to go at 6) and end by 7:45.  All riders must be out of the park by 8:00 pm.  See below for more details.

    December – Group ride, club meeting and board member elections.  Details to come soon.  If you have ever considered doing a little more for the EVMA, contact Jim Irby to see how you can help.  Several board members are stepping down and all offices are open.


    Trail Work – All trails need clearing and trimming.  If everyone spends 10-15 minutes doing this while riding, the trails will stay in great shape.

    The club plans to do trail work at Freedom Park in November (re-route trail A, clear bypass at the 5-foot drop, and clear emergency exits), New Quarter in December (clear routes for Gator access), and Wahrani in December/January (replace bridge, trim and clear inner trails).  More information will be in future emails and on Facebook chatter.  Please plan to attend.

    EVMA Gear – The club is ordering EVMA hoodies and tech tees with similar logos as last time.  The hoodies are $25 and will have a logo on front and back.  Go to alphabroder.com and look up G186 and G185.  The tech tees will be $15 with same design as last time.  There are many colors available.  Contact Jim Irby to get your order requests in.  An EVMA jersey is in the works; more information soon.

    Night Ride Details -Tuesday, Harwood Mills Check Facebook event for ride status. Parking across the street from trailhead.

    Wednesday, New Quarter Park. Park in parking lot outside the main gate, we enter the trail at emergency exit 10, some riders do one lap others do two. We typically gather back up at the halfway point.

    Thursday, Freedom Park. Parking is in the park at the interpretive center, when you sign in here you need to list the trails you plan to ride. We will typically discuss everyone’s plans prior to rolling out. Most riders ride trails A,B,C, some riders do A backwards but you need to be fast to make the cutoff time. All trials are open for night riding.

    If you are new to night rides and would like more information, feel free to POST UP at (EVMA Chatter). These rides are a ton of fun and transform our trails into a new and fresh adventure. ...

    You must have helmets and lights. Suggested minimum of 500 Lumens head light, best experience if you add a bar light.

    We use the EVMA Chatter Facebook site to communicate about night rides. You can expect each ride to have a Facebook event created so riders can check in for a status of each ride.

    We use your vehicle as an indicator of your whereabouts, if it’s still in the parking lot we assume you are still on the trails.

    No one rides on their own (this does not mean you can’t ride your own pace), if you are not joining the EVMA group ride (Member or Guest) you are likely trespassing. This simply means riders need to sign-in (waiver) prior to each ride, communicate with the group, so that riders are aware of what the group(s) is doing. It’s a bit of excess but we want to be [uber] organized so that park staff and emergency personal allow our night rides to continue. That, and we don’t want to lose anyone .

  • September 13, 2017 6:27 AM | Anonymous


    September 19 – Registration will close on Douthat trip. Slots are still available but not for long.  Register at http://evma.org/event-2587806.

    September 22-24 – Fall trip to Douthat State Park.  The club will reserve 6 camp sites, and there can be 3 tents with 2 people per site.  Each spot will be $30. If you have a larger tent, reserve 2 spots.  If you plan to bring a camper, please reserve your own spot.  If you are going but reserving your own spot or cabin, please still register as non-paying so you will still get the informational emails.  Justin is in charge of planning the meals and will soon send out emails.  There will be a potluck on Friday night and tex mex meal on Saturday.

    October – No planned group ride or meeting in October.

    October 28-29 – Tidewater Challenge.  Races for mountain bikers in all age groups, including kids.  Online registration is happening now at BikeReg.com.  Get more information at tidewaterchallenge.blogspot.com.

    December – Group ride, club meeting and board member elections.  Details to come soon.  If you have ever considered doing a little more for the EVMA, contact Jim Irby to see how you can help.  Several board members are stepping down and all offices are open.


    Trail Work – All trails need clearing and trimming.  If everyone spends 10-15 minutes doing this while riding, the trails will stay in great shape.

    The club plans to do trail work at Freedom Park in November (re-route trail A, clear bypass at the 5-foot drop, and clear emergency exits), New Quarter in December (clear routes for Gator access), and Wahrani in December/January (replace bridge, trim and clear inner trails).  More information will be in future emails and on Facebook chatter.  Please plan to attend.

    Night Rides – Todd Smith is organizing night rides to start soon.  Please visit Facebook EVMA Chatter page to take the poll.

    EVMA Gear – The club is ordering EVMA hoodies and tech tees with similar logos as last time.  The hoodies are $25 and will have a logo on front and back.  Go to alphabroder.com and look up G186 and G185.  The tech tees will be $15 with same design as last time.  There are many colors available.  Contact Jim Irby to get your order requests in.  An EVMA jersey is in the works; more information soon.

    Trail Captains – EVMA has several new trail captains that are already jumping in and doing a great job after recent storms.  Ev Cooper is working on Freedom Park Trail E, Steve Hobler is working at New Quarter park, and new EVMA member Adrian Spicer is also helping at New Quarter.  Thank you to these members and all the trail captains that do a great job at keeping our trails clear.

  • September 05, 2017 9:19 PM | Anonymous


    September 9 – Freedom Park – Group ride at 9 am followed by lunch and EVMA meeting.  We will ride trails A, B, and C.  Trails D and E are closed due to a collegiate race.

    According to the club bylaws, board elections are coming up in December. We will discuss this at this important meeting so please plan to attend.  The following positions are available and need to be filled in order for the club to keep running successfully.  Please step up if you are able to fill one of these positions.

    President - Jim has been in this position for 3 years and would like to step back.

    VP Trails -Eric has been in this position for 2 plus years.

    Membership coordinator - Dave has been in this position for several years and it is time someone

    else steps up.

    EVENT Volunteers - Penny is willing to continue at event coordinator but we need volunteers to step


    We will also discuss the Douthat trip, the club jersey order, and night rides for this winter.

    Friday, September 8 – Night Ride at Beaverdam in Gloucester.  7pm at the Roaring Springs entrance.  Bring $5 to donate to their trail fund.  Lights and helmets required.  This ride is open to beginner and advanced riders.

    September 22-24 – Fall trip to Douthat State Park.  The club will reserve 6 camp sites, and there can be 3 tents with 2 people per site.  Each spot will be $30 (yes, there was a slight change to the price).  If you have a larger tent, reserve 2 spots.  If you plan to bring a camper, please reserve your own spot.  If you are going but reserving your own spot or cabin, please still register as non-paying so you will still get the informational emails.  What are you waiting for?  Sign up now.  Registration is now open at http://evma.org/event-2587806.

    October 28-29 – Tidewater Challenge.  Races for mountain bikers in all age groups, including kids.  Online registration is happening now at BikeReg.com.  Get more information at tidewaterchallenge.blogspot.com.

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