Hello EVMA Members,
Here's what's happening in the incredible world of local mountain biking!
Events Coming Up:
- Membership Meeting November 5th 9am Freedom Park: Group rides, Dirt Divas & Beginner Rides
- We will be discussing group rides, trail projects, and new volunteers, please plan to attend! Did we mention there is lunch? NomNom!
- November 10 6pm First Freedom Park Night Ride see the details on the event page.
- Now - Dec 31st Marl Ravine trail at YRSP reverses direction. Reverse direction is not optional! Please follow the signs and exercise caution. So. Much. Fun.
Volunteers Rock
- Thank You! - to all of the volunteers who worked the EVMA tent at the Tidewater Challenge & helped with the event in general!
Future Rides and Events
- December 3rd 9am Freedom Park: Group rides, Dirt Divas & Beginner Rides
- December 18th Freedom Park Chili Cook-Off and Winter Solstice Celebration
Calling All Night Riders!
FUN FACT All of our parks are closed at night. Anyone using the trails at night without the express permission of the park management is trespassing and damaging the fine reputation our mountain bike community has worked long and hard to build. Please ride our trails only during sanctioned EVMA night ride events.
We had a great response to our Facebook question about night rides. Now we need more ride leaders/coordinators to step up.
- The ride leader will be responsible for the coordination of the sign in sheet and to make sure everyone is off the trail. If the ride breaks into two (fast and slow), he/she will need to coordinate the groups so that everyone is out.
- Most night rides will pedal off at 6pm and be done around 7:30. At Freedom Park, all riders must be off trail by 7:30 and out of Park by 8 when the rangers lock the gate.
- The ride leader will also make the call for cancellation due to inclement weather. Facebook events can be used to coordinate.
If you are willing to volunteer, please post up or email Jim Irby. Without volunteers, these rides will not happen.
Club Elections
It is that time of year again for club elections. If you are interested, the club needs volunteers. Most of the Board said they would continue for now but all positions are open. The club definitely could use volunteers organizing group rides, club meetings, social events, trail captains, and camping trips. Without volunteers, these things will not happen.
Remember to set your clocks back Saturday Night, and have a great weekend!.